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Selectmen Minutes 04/02/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
April 2, 2013

Members present:  Jeff Jordan, Mike Paveglio, Richard DeBold
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Matt Cole, Ed Millette, Kris Cole, Philip Hitchcock, Donna Chagnon, Thomas Houle, Steve Stock

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Public Hearing – Acceptance of the Thermal Imaging Camera
The Firefighters Association previously accepted a generous donation of $13,350 for Mr. and Mrs. James McKerley for the purpose of purchasing a thermal imaging camera.  The Association would like to complete the donation by asking the Town to accept the camera.  Deputy Chiefs Cole and Millette demonstrated the camera and explained its uses.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to accept the thermal imaging camera with an approximate value of $13,350 from the Chichester Firefighter’s Association on behalf of the McKerley family.  Motion passed.

Public Hearing – Declaration of certain private burial grounds to be abandoned and accepted by the Town
This is the final step in declaring certain burial grounds abandoned.  Ruth Hammond explained that most of the cemeteries on the list are already being maintained by the Town and no additional funding is necessary.  
Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to declare the following cemeteries abandoned:
Cemetery        Oldest Headstone Name   Date

Batchelder      3 children of Joshua & Sarah Batchelder 1859
Brown   Betsey Allen Kelley     1798
Edmunds/Stanyan Jonathan Stanyan        1803
Fellows/Webster Lydia Webster   1857
Foster  Georgianna Foster       1856
Kaime   Hannah Kaime    1814
Locke   Elijah Locke    Rev War
Morrill Sally Haines    1808
Plausawa        Sally Morrill   1831
Sanborn-Smith   Jacob Smith     1803
and to authorize acceptance of such by the Town.  Motion passed.

Other Business
20 Horse Corner Road:  The Selectmen signed the closing documents for 20 Horse Corner Road.  The documents reflected the agreement from the tax sale on March 2nd.

Tax Collector:  The Tax Collector presented four deeds to the Selectmen for the non-payment of taxes.  Mr. DeBold felt that the affected residents should be given an opportunity to meet with the Board no later than April 9th.  Mr. Paveglio did not think it was advantageous for the Town to prolong the acceptance of the deeds.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept the following deeds:

Map 3 Lot 28-18
Map 3 Lot 28-14
Map 2 Lot 33 – C
Map 10 Lot 11-10
Motion passed 2-1 (DeBold voted no)

The Tax Collector will bring the deeds to the registry in the morning.  Nancy will issue a notice of intent to sell.

Appointments:  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to appoint the following:


Motion passed.

Abatement: Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to authorize an abatement for Map 5 Lot 93 in the amount of $42,900 in value. The reason for the abatement is an assessing data correction. Motion passed.

Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to deny an abatement request for Map 5 Lot 72.  The Assessor feels this property is properly assessed.  Motion passed.
Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to deny an abatement request for Map 9 Lot 74.  The assessor feels this property is properly assessed and is within the DRA guidelines.  Motion passed.

Proclamation request:  The Nation Center for Missing and Exploited Children invites the Board to issue a proclaimation to commemorate National Missing Children’s Day (May 25th).  The Board has approved the proclamation.  Nancy will prepare for next week.

Heritage:  There was a follow-up discussion regarding the design charrette proposal from March 26th.  The Heritage Commission will need feedback from several committees and it will be a lengthy process.

Forestry:  Warden Stock obtained three price quotes for the Radio purchase approved at Town Meeting.  He asked the Board to approve the purchase from 49er communications which was the middle quotation.  He said he has dealt with them in the past and is very happy with their level of customer service.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve the purchase of the radio and associated software and hardware from 49er Communications, Inc.  for the amount of $3,521.92. Motion passed.

Server Room:  Nancy asked the Board to approve the withdrawal of $650 from the facilities CRF for the purpose of constructing a server room.  This room will house the server and phone systems in an area that is not below a bathroom.  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to authorize the expenditure of $650 from the facilities capital reserve fund for the purpose of constructing a server room.  Motion passed.

Fire Department Computers:  Deputy Chief Millette asked about the process for replacing the computers at the Fire Station.  The proposal from Mainstay Technologies requires $12,075.  There was a question as to why the Fire Department has their own server.  It was reported that the Fire Department has a server and 5 computers all in need of replacement.  Nancy will call Mainstay to see if any of the equipment can be consolidated with the Town Office equipment.

Food Pantry:  Nancy reported that the office staff will take on the responsibility of coordinating the food pantry.

Fire Department:  Deputy Chief Cole reported the Fire Department was in possession of an old chainsaw.  The saw has no safety features.  He asked what they should do with the saw.  The Board directed him to destroy and dispose of it.  He asked about the lighting upgrade at the station.  Mr. Cole will obtain quotations.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:43.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      _________________________
Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman                Mike Paveglio                                  Richard DeBold